Wednesday 29 May 2013

Our promise to you!

At Butlins:The(unofficial)Blog (yes, thats our FULL name, although we'd like to lose the unofficial part, we need to include it :() we are committed to bringing you correct, interesting and helpful information, and we do this by;

A) Providing an easy to use, easily navigated and well presented blog interface.
B) Creating new features to add to the experience of our blog.
C) Make ways of earning money to improve the blog, we currently do this by placing ads on our blog, and sponsored text. For more information on this, please refer to the legally placed "Advertising Disclosure" on the navigation bar at the top.
D) Always ensure the peoples rightful content is kept so. There's lots of things we'd like to show you, say to you and publish, but, due to copyright issues and data protection rules, we're not allowed. Although this is a slight disappointment in some cases, we'd rather stay in the good books of Bourne Leisure and Butlins :P (especially seeing as though we're Butlins:TheBlog).
E) We moderate comments on the blog, Fan Chat, and Your Photos. If we see anything inappropriate, or material that would put either us (Butlins:The(unofficial)Blog), Butlins Skyline Ltd, or Bourne Leisure Limited and any of it's employees in danger, we'll just remove it.
F) We're totally pro - Butlins, we have no intention of mistreating their name, talking in bad words about the business. We've always tried to be advocates to the brand.
G) Jake and Callum run this blog with nothing but good intentions for Butlins. We are not paid, endorsed or associated with Butlins, so, please, don't presume that we are and think our posts are "official" - they're not.

All of these rules and statements are there to protect the blog, and Butlins, and, of course you. If you need to contact us regarding anything in this post, or anything on the blog, please send us an email to


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