
Blog Rules

Jake, Callum and Amber post on this website, and we'd like to set out a few rules!

1. Respect other people's opinions, if you feel upset by a post, from us, members, or anyone, tell us at butlinstheblog@lycos.co.uk, not in our comments section! We'll do our best to resolve this, as soon as we can, but we both attend school or college, meaning we might not be able to answer stright away!
2. We'll try to help, but we don't work for Butlins (yet!) so, if you need any help we'd prefer you go to the Butlins facebook page!
3. Do not be abusive. Abuse, bullying, and discrimination of any description will not be tolearated and any posts breaching this rule will be removed, and the user banned from the site!
4. We simply love Butlins, and thats how it is! We're commited to posting Butlins related info, and nothing else!

Have a nice browsing experience on our Blog!

Jake (JK), Callum (CL) and Amber (AB)!

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