Friday 10 May 2013

Are you creative? Are you reliable?

Does that sound like you?
If it does then get your details to us! We're looking for someone to design us a new logo (even though we don't really have one!). If your logo is selected, you'll get your image out there to about 50 people at a minimum a day, and, if you give us permission, your name!

If you're interested email us at, listing your name, your age, and last, but not least, your logo. We also need written permission from you saying that we can use your logo for promotional purposes and anywhere on our blog and/or it's publications.

Terms & Conditions
If your design is chosen, you will forfeit the rights to your logo and we (Butlins:The(unofficial)Blog, JK, CL) will own the rights to your logo.
We can use the logo in any way we wish to do so.
We may or may not change or edit your logo.
We may use your logo anywhere on our blog and/or it's publications.
We reserve the right to cancel the use of your logo an any given time with or without written notice of this at any point during the use of your logo.

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