Monday 1 July 2013

We need a new blogger!

Butlins:TheBlog is looking for a new blogger!

You'd need to be committed, have excellent Butlins knowledge (we'll be testing!), and you could even get paid!

Sound good? We'd like to think so  Just tell us below if you're interested. 

We're looking for someone who;

Is preferably over 18
Visits Butlins at least once a year
Could commit about 20 minutes a day to blogging
Wouldn't mind if we deleted something they post, because it doesn't meet our blog standards.

We'd offer;

Blogger training
Blog admin status
Login details to our server
Authority to the public, in advertising, communicating, and customer services
Pay, dependent on our earnings.

We hope you'd LOVE to join our team,

JK & CL :)

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