Tuesday 12 March 2013

Welcome to Butlins: The Blog

Hello! My name is Jake, I've started a blog all about Butlins, I also founded the Butlins Wiki... Click Here to see it! Callum and me will be posting info, views, and random posts all about... BUTLINS!

We both love Butlins! We're always on about it!
Callum's favorite resort is Minehead, often shortened by us as MH.
Jake's favourite resort is Skegness, beleive it or not, we call it SK, and just because we thought you might like to know, we refer to Bognor as BR...

Butlins: The (unofficial) Newsletter, edited by Callum, is published monthly. This will include news, investments, and any changes you should know about!

We respect Bourne Leisure and we understand that this blog is unofficial, and the views and opinions featured are that of Jake, Callum or Butlins fans, and do not represent those of Butlins or Bourne Leisure. We do not own the name or trademark Butlins, Bourne Leiure or any of it's associated names and brands.

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