Terms & Conditions
1) "Us" or "We" and "The Blog" refer to Butlins:The(unofficial)Blog (Jake & Callum).
2) By sending us your content, we take the rights to the digital version of the particular item.
3) You must not send images that contain personal details, nudity, or explicit material.
4) The photos will be displayed to everyone. This means that if you do not want the photo to be seen by everyone, please don't send us it. We will, of course remove it at you permission, but please, remember, once something is on the internet, it can't be "taken down". It takes one person to copy and paste an image and it is available to the world. Please bare this in mind, as we are not responsible for any arising problems subsequent to your content being uploaded.
5) Please do not assume that because it was originally your content, that we do not have the right to re - publish, reproduce, or print the content. As stated in part )1, we own the content. It is ours to do as we please with. With this in mind, you will be given credit to the photo initially (in our media catalogue), however any reproductions of the content will be solely the work of us.