Tuesday, 30 April 2013

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Summer. One word, a million thoughts...

My favourite time of year is summer, when it’s never too late, or never to early to do ANYTHING. Summer is the gateway to endless possibilities. What are we going to do today Phineas? To me summer is very much like Phineas and Ferb, they’re always building something, and, guess what? It’s in the summer! Those summer days sat in the garden, hammering nails into wood, one minute it’s boat, the next a bench. Summer’s always a time to make something, or so we used to think. We then realised that we, as clever as we thought we were, couldn’t build anything. What started out as a great day building a “boat” in the garden, turned into the glumness of autumn, the glumness of what was to come. Those summer days had been ruined, and all by the sense of failure. In summer, failure just won’t do, that’s a winter thing, a merry tune is heard in the distance, the clouds move from in front of the sun, it’s the ice cream van. Suddenly, all of the glumness is burned away by the sun, the sun that brings happiness back into those summer days. The drips of the melting ice lolly run down the stick, into every nook and cranny it can find on the surface of your hand, stick them all up. Summer is here.

Summer is the time when schools, cease to exist. Summer is the time when rules, are abolished. Summer is like the ice in your coke, it just makes life that good bit better.

Summer is very likeable. It’s likeable because, although you’ve a life of grey, bleakness back at home, when you’re on holiday, none of that is apparent. “Our true intent is all for your delight” You only get that in summer. Butlins in summer is like ice cream in a cone, it just fits perfectly. I like summer for all of these reasons, the biggest because of the carefree attitude… I love it, love it, love it.

Summer is my favourite season, not for the joys of being off school, but for the long hot days, and the short nights! I hate sleep as it is, so that’s why I love summer.  Summer is the secret ingredient to a good life. Most happy memories are made in summer. It’s those memories that you treasure for ever. Those memories that make me love summer.

Summer is great because of the timing, you’ve had enough of school, geography teacher hammering the continents into your head, maths teacher moaning on about algebra… Algebra, the thing you’ll never use in later life. Pointless, petty, and VERY tedious. Summer couldn’t come at a more convenient time. You’ve done your GCSEs, and your free to go, much like the feeling of summer, free, forever… finally!

There’s nothing to hate about summer, that’s why I like it so much! Many songs have references to summer, and some describe my attitude towards summer like they came out of my head. The beach is a great part of summer, the sandy sandwiches, sand in your toes, your shoes and, quite frankly, it may as well be in house, because all that’s for sure is that after a long day on the beach, it’ll without a doubt be in your bath!

All of these reasons amount to why I love summer so much. Summer is my favourite time of the year because summer is just summer, it’s just right, you can’t fault it!

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Do you use the 2p machines at Butlins

Do you use the 2p machines at Butlins?
pollcode.com free polls 

Japanimation! by Jake Todhunter

My book (which features Butlins!) is available to buy from Amazon, Lulu Press, and Waterstones.com, to buy, click the link for your preferred bookseller!

Lulu Press

Thanyou for reading this!


P.S. If you buy from Amazon, please be aware it's a bit glitchy, it says in the preview, the old text, but this has been slightly changed, and, although the book was first published in 2011, the date says 21st March 2013, this is the second edition, and not a new book!

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Yes, yes indeed, that's right!

In case you hadn't noticed, yes, I do post everything!


We've joined YouTube, please subscribe!

Hi all,
My old account FunStudiosUK, is now the home of Butlins: The Blog!
Please subscribe, comment and like our videos!

Butlins: The Blog, on YouTube!

Hi - De - Hi,


Our YouTube channel! 😄😄😄😄😄

We're in the process of making a YouTube channel!


Friday, 19 April 2013

Louise hasn't been to Butlins!

Oh no! I just discovered one of my best friends hasn't been to Butlins! She is a bit silly, anyone who hasn't been is!


Thursday, 18 April 2013

Butlins Ambassadors!

Don't forget, if your a mum or dad, and you run a blog, you could become one of the next line of Butlins Ambassadors for 2013 - 14! Follow the link! Click Here to see! (that's the real page)!


This made me chuckle...

It seems that this raging subject has accumulated the most views of any post on our blog!!!
1Comment Count
78View count

Advertise on our blog!

Although we host sponsored ads, We'd like to host ads from our readers too! and the best part is, it's free, except the initial payment of £5, ans we'll host it for as long as you want us to!

To take up this offer, please contact Jake or Callum at jazza98@easy.com!

Thanks for reading, all the best!


Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Hello Everyone!

Hello everyone!
We've been making a few changes, some cosmetic, and some more in-depth! You'll have noticed a new box next to all of the pages we know and love, read on to find out what it is.

We've decided to change the look of our blog, we hope you;
A. Like it! (thats key), and,
B. Find it easier to read!

We've decided to place ads in our blog for a couple of reasons, here they are;
A. We'd like to purchase a domain name, and they don't just appear from nowhere!
B. Internet isn't free! We'd like to find it easier to pay for the internet, whilst updating our site.
C. We'd like to give 25% of any money we raise from it to charity!

We're interested in getting new ways for fans adult and child alike to communicate together, that's why we've set up FanChat, the name is pretty suggestive as to what it is! You got it? Its where FANS, well, CHAT, that's why we've termed it FanChat!

Its fuller reaches underneath the hammer!