Saturday 8 February 2014


We're no longer going to post on Butlins:TheBlog - Butlins are releasing their own blog very soon!

Sunday 2 February 2014



Blog Ownership

Hi there faithful readers!

We LOVE Butlins:TheBlog as much as you do, but, it's time for us to let it go...

We'd love to hand it over to Butlins, but they've not replied yet!

So if you're interested in buying our blog, contact us today!

(JK & CL)

Tuesday 21 January 2014


For all of your Teas, Coffees, Hot Chocolates and Malts :)

Sunday 12 January 2014

We Love Butlins Especially Skegness!

Locve Butlins? Especially Skegness?

Go like our page on Facebook!

Just search "We love butlins especially skegness" on Facebook :)


Wednesday 8 January 2014

Good song for advert!

I'm sure by now, you'll have heard the new Butlins advert... Its the same with a new song, but its not distinctively "Butlinsy"! What song would be?

Everyone knows the "Centre Parcs (yak) song" and I now immediately associate "Echo Beach" with Haven!

There's not a song like that for Butlins! What could it be?

Monday 6 January 2014

Butlins cruise ship

Do you think it would be a good idea for Butlins to have cruise ships? People often describe them at Butlins at sea and why not indeed? They have everything butlins has, just on a ship!

What we're suggesting is perhaps a crisis ship, or fleet of, from Bourne Leisure!


If only huh! Disney do it, so Butlins could - easily!
